Confidence Coaching & Training…

done differently!

(no fluff, no deep-breathing, & no BS)

Jill Monson

Coach, Trainer, & Speaker

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Hello, I'm Jill Monson,

founder of POP!more

POP!more is Confidence Coaching… done differently

(aka no fluff, no deep-breathing, & no BS!)

Consider for a moment what word is within

the word “confidence”??


What does “con” mean?

Something used deceptively to gain another’s confidence or to persuade.

That’s why instead of confidence… I help people

find their CANfidence!

I am versatile in the HOW... one-to-one coaching, group training workshop, motivational speaking, but the WHY is always the same, to help people of all backgrounds, ages, and stages create tangible CANfidence habits leading to better communication, interpersonal skills, productivity, customer service, and more - essentially overall more fulfilled lives!

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